Expert Contribution

The Benefits of Fat Transfer for Breast Augmentation

This time of year we conduct quite a few consultations on breast augmentation procedures. And while most women are interested in enhancing the size and shape of their breasts using breast implants, advancements in the field of medicine have led to innovative alternatives to traditional breast augmentation procedures. This month I’m going to discuss the benefits of one such procedure: fat transfer to the breast.

A fat transfer procedure (also called autologous fat transfer or micro-lipoinjection) involves transplanting fat from one area of your body to another. Because the fat comes from your own body, you cannot develop an allergic reaction. Common target areas include the face, butt, hands and breasts. Fat transfer to the breast is a safe procedure designed to fill out and add a modest amount of volume to breasts. There are several benefits to this approach.

Reduces Localized Fat Deposits

Fat transfer breast augmentation procedures work by harvesting localized fat deposits from a donor area on the patient’s body before re-injecting them into the breast tissue. By harvesting fat tissue from the abdomen, hips, thighs, or buttocks, fat transfer breast augmentation can increase the size of your breasts while simultaneously removing stubborn pockets of fat in other areas of your body that are unresponsive to diet and exercise.

Uses Your Body’s Own Fat Cells

Fat transfer breast augmentation is unlike traditional breast enhancement procedures in that it utilizes your body’s own natural fat cells rather than silicone or saline breast implants. While traditional breast augmentation procedures are incredibly safe when performed by a skilled surgeon, some women choose to undergo natural breast augmentation utilizing fat transfer methods because there is absolutely no risk of implant failure.

Offers Natural-Looking Results

A number of women struggle to choose between silicone and saline breast implants because they are not sure which type and size of implant will provide the most natural-looking results. Fortunately, fat transfer augmentations can enhance the size, proportion, and volume of your breasts while providing results that look and feel perfectly natural. It’s a great alternative to implants for patients who are looking for a modest increase in breast size and volume.

Reduces Recovery Time

Because fat transfer breast augmentations increase the size of the breasts with injections rather than incisions, most patients require little downtime. In fact, most patients are able to return to work within a few days following their procedure.

If you are interested in fat transfer injections, traditional breast augmentation, facial rejuvenation or any other cosmetic procedure, we are here to help. Give us a call at (925) 736-5757 or visit our newly redesigned website at to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation.

We look forward to hearing from you… and exploring the possibility of sculpting a new you this summer season! 

By Stephen J. Ronan MD FACS, Blackhawk Plastic Surgery and MedSpa

About The Author

Cosmetic Surgery
Blackhawk Plastic Surgery and MedSpa
Blackhawk Plastic Surgery and MedSpa

Blackhawk Plastic Surgery has been offering their patients the highest quality cosmetic treatments in the Blackhawk area for more than 15 years. Now they are thrilled to introduce the Blackhawk Migraine Clinic led by migraine specialist, Alicia Choquette. Alicia brings over 5 years of migraine expertise to the Blackhawk Migraine Clinic and looks forward to helping patients live a better quality of life migraine free.

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