Expert Contribution

What Causes Hair Loss in Women?

Female pattern hair loss (FPHL) is also widely known as Androgenetic Alopecia and is the most common form of hair loss in women around the world. The onset of symptoms can vary, but two key times in a woman’s life, puberty and menopause, often act as triggers for an increase in FPHL being reported to clinics and doctors. 

There are three types of hair loss (alopecia) commonly reported in women, which can be the cause of a variety of factors from genetics to hair care practices or anything that triggers the immune system to attack hair follicles. While men tend to notice balding as a receding hairline and specific bald spots, FPHL in women tend to appear more as generalized hair loss with thinning all over the scalp. The three most common types of hair loss include:

Alopecia Areata is patchy hair loss that happens suddenly on the head or body. It typically begins with one or more round bald patches that may or may not overlap.

Cicatricial Alopecia is a group of conditions that causes irreversible hair loss through scarring. Hair falls out and the follicle is replaced with scar tissue.

Traumatic Alopecia causes hair to fall out as a result of hair styling practices. The hair shaft may break after using hot combs, blow dryers, straighteners, or certain chemicals to dye or straighten hair.

Some medical conditions lead directly to hair loss, whether through disruption to hormones, like with thyroid issues; scarring from skin conditions, like ringworm; or autoimmune disorders, like celiac disease, where the body attacks itself.

Hair loss caused by stress or hormonal changes, like pregnancy or menopause, may not require any treatment. Instead, the loss will stop on its own after the body adjusts. Nutrient deficiencies also do not often require medical treatment beyond supplements unless, the deficiency is caused by an underlying health condition. Any medical conditions that lead to hair loss should be treated directly to address the full condition, not just its symptoms. 

There are a number of surgical and non-surgical hair restoration treatment options to combat and correct hair loss caused by female-pattern baldness. The best way to determine if you are a suitable candidate for any of these procedures is to schedule a complimentary consultation where we can review the options and answer all of your questions. If you are interested in learning more, please contact our office at 925.736.5757. We look forward to hearing from you! 

By Dr.Stephen J. Ronan MD FACS, Blackhawk Plastic Surgery and MedSpa

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Cosmetic Surgery
Blackhawk Plastic Surgery and MedSpa
Blackhawk Plastic Surgery and MedSpa

Blackhawk Plastic Surgery has been offering their patients the highest quality cosmetic treatments in the Blackhawk area for more than 15 years. Now they are thrilled to introduce the Blackhawk Migraine Clinic led by migraine specialist, Alicia Choquette. Alicia brings over 5 years of migraine expertise to the Blackhawk Migraine Clinic and looks forward to helping patients live a better quality of life migraine free.

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