Expert Contribution

A New Look for Summer

Summer is just around the corner, and if you want to look your best, you’re probably already thinking about or shopping for new summer outfits. This time of year we receive a lot of inquiries and conduct quite a few consultations on various breast procedures. A breast augmentation is a great way to enhance the shape and volume of your breasts and fill out new outfits more comfortably. 

Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure used to increase breast volume, helping you get breasts that better fit your overall proportions. This procedure involves the placement of breast implants, most commonly inserted under your breast tissue and chest muscles. You can also choose this surgical procedure to make your breasts more symmetrical or to restore breast size after pregnancy and breastfeeding has left them looking somewhat deflated. 

There are two main types of breast implants that you can select: saline or silicone filled implants. Nearly all of our patients choose silicone implants because they typically yield more natural looking and feeling results. 

A breast augmentation procedure involves making small incisions through which the implants can be placed. You have the option to get an incision around the areola, under the breast, or in the armpit. Most of our patients prefer the axillary incision to avoid a scar on the breast. Once the incision is made, the implant is placed behind the chest muscle and never touches the breast tissue. Most patients do not have a permanent change in sensation after surgery, and the procedure will not affect a woman’s ability to breastfeed. 

There are two main groups of women that are typically interested in breast augmentation. The first group is women who feel they never developed the breast volume they desire. The second group of women who commonly seek breast enhancement are those that lost volume after pregnancy, a condition called post-partum breast involution. 

Breast augmentation is a safe procedure. The best way to determine if you are a good candidate is to schedule a consultation. If you are interested in learning more about breast augmentation or other cosmetic procedures, please contact my office at 925.736.5757. 

We look forward to hearing from you… and exploring the possibility of sculpting a new you this summer season. 

By Dr. Stephen J. Ronan, MD FACS

About The Author

Cosmetic Surgery
Blackhawk Plastic Surgery and MedSpa
Blackhawk Plastic Surgery and MedSpa

Blackhawk Plastic Surgery has been offering their patients the highest quality cosmetic treatments in the Blackhawk area for more than 15 years. Now they are thrilled to introduce the Blackhawk Migraine Clinic led by migraine specialist, Alicia Choquette. Alicia brings over 5 years of migraine expertise to the Blackhawk Migraine Clinic and looks forward to helping patients live a better quality of life migraine free.

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